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Affiliate Programs - Amazon Product Feed Banner Script
By Steve Shubitz

Above this copy is my implemtation of this valuable Amazon Product Feed banner script for those of you who are members of their affiliate program. Refresh this page to view the rotation.

This free script called APF Banner is available here. Your domain must have SSI enabled to use this script. A simple one line edit of your .htaccess file should solve this problem for .html pages. The code:

AddHandler server-parsed .html .htm .shtml

The author provides several examples for you to experiment with here. You only need to set a single variable inside this script, which is your Amazon Associate ID. Mine is set up to display Bestsellers > Software > Business & Office. My code inside this page is:

<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/amazon_apf_banner-fwt.cgi?input_mode=software&input_id=229535" -->

Iv'e also experimented with numerous other compliant URLs which all work with the Amazon XML product feed.


1. My modifactions to the HTML section of the script produces a smaller table, smaller type, removal of the price, and both links open in a new window. The code:

<SCRIPT>function noImageCheck(objImg) { if (objImg.width == 1) { objImg.src = ""; } } </SCRIPT>
<TABLE Bgcolor="#F1F1F1" Border="1" Width="275"><TR><TD>
<TABLE Border="0" Cellpadding="0" Cellspacing="0" Width="100%">
<TD Align="left"><A Href="$result_link" target=\"_blank\"><IMG Border="0" Src="$ImageUrlSmall" onLoad="noImageCheck(this);"></A></TD>
<TD Align="center"><FONT Size="1"><B><A Href="$result_link" target=\"_blank\">$ProductName</A></B></FONT><BR>
<FONT Size="1"> Top Picks</FONT></TD>

2. Whenever possible, I like to give all my scripts a custom name. This helps me find a particular script via FTP and in some cases provides an additional branding opportunity.

3. If you use this script, please send this talented coder with the funny name of MrRat a donation.

This article is ©2003 by Perfection. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited. Print this article.

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