is a collection of tools for your web development needs and insightful articles and tips.

Link Popularity Check - Back Links Check
(The number and quality of sites which link to you)

Our Link Popularity script checks 7 major Search Engines for inbound links to your site. We suggest you this page and check your site once per month. This service provides:

  • Checks Google, AllTheWeb, AltaVista, AOL, MSN, HotBot, and Lycos.
  • Comparison to your competitors.
  • Detailed report sent to your Email address.
  • Fast and accurate.

Tips - Important - Please Read

1. You can't "fake" and or use artificial methods to create inbound links to your site in an effort to improve your sites Link Popularity. This means that top sites, link farms, link services, automatic link generators, doorway pages, Spaming with keyword text are a waste of time and money. In some cases the use of these methods will get you banned from a given Search Engine. Because of these realities, the number of sites which link to your site is one of the most valuable and accurate measures of a site's age, popularity, and quality.

2. Your Link Popularity (the number and quality of sites which link to you) will dramatically affect your PageRank with Google and many other engines. Given that Google will produce the majority of your traffic, spend your time promoting your site via link swaps with other similar sites and creating quality content.

3. Thousands of Webmasters trade links in our very own Forums. Please make sure you read the Rules for this procedure which may be found here and here.

4. Spend your time creating a content rich site and then submit your site to DMOZ (The Open Directory Project) and Yahoo, which will improve your Link Popularity.

5. Our Link Popularity Check can also be used to catch scamers and get rich quick pitches who claim they get millions of hits and have been around since dirt was invented.


How popular is your site?

* URL: 1
URL: 2 (Optional)
URL: 3 (Optional)
The second and third URL is optional.
* Send the report to your email address:
* Email (Please double check your data.)
©2001-2004 by Free-Webmaster-Tools

* REQUIRED FIELD. Note: Each time you use this service we send you a single email. This email contains your submitted domains and a detailed link count for each Search Engines. We advise you to print and retain this valuable report. This is a one time only email. Please consult our Privacy policy.

Please be patient while we check Google, AllTheWeb, AltaVista, AOL, MSN, HotBot, and Lycos. Click Submit only once.

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