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ASP Code
ASP source code, samples ect...

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ASP Code

This simple message board script is very easy to setup! Allows users to create new threads, add to existing threads, and view previous and/or following threads.

ASP 101
Free codes: calendar, colors, cookies, databases, form handler, functions, guestbook, hit counter, link manager, login & password, poll, pulldown navigation, quiz, random number, server variables, shopping cart, url linker and more.

Portal Scripts
High performance and bug-free ASP, CGI, Perl and PHP scripts.

ASP Free
Your source for free ASP, live demos, sources code and more.

Antiadbuster is a script when installed protects the webmasters website from ad-blockers / ad-killers its available for both ASP / PHP Platforms.
Download source code for ASP, Visual Basic, Java, Tcl/Tk programs, C/C++, Perl, Delphi, Visual Basic and more.

Power ASP
Free code examples: hit counter, custom configuration file, password protection, randomizer, guestbook, cookies, redirect, show directory contents and size, populating a drop down menu, and more.

ASP Pipeline.
Code Samples covering the broad range of ASP and IIS Intranet development.