X2CD Music CD Burner
and Converter
Burn a custom music CD from MP3s, WMAs and DVD using X2CD Music mp3 CD burner! Convert wma, mp3 to wave files!
Displays a realistic animated human face on your desktop that plays your audio files and "mouths" the sounds.
Now on Version 24 and compatible with Windows, Android and iOS, RealPlayer offers a range of media management tools. The utility offers much improved audio and better graphics organization than in previous versions.
the only MIDI player in the world that offers true MIDI streaming and the LiveSynth for high quality MIDI playback through any sound card.
Anvil Studio
A free Windows application compatible with Windows 10 and 11, that streamlines multi-track recording, composing, and editing of music using AUDIO, MIDI, and sampled percussion sounds. Audio effects include delay, pitch change, volume change, filtering, and reverse. Anvil Studio is designed to work with several optional accessories that increase functionality and performance.