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Due Diligence - Step 2 - The Whois Records

By Steve Shubitz & Detective Thomas Shilling

The Whois database contains important information about a given domain name. Even if the site does not resolve, it has a Whois record. We assume you have already properly completed Step 1 and your results indicate it's worthwhile to proceeded with this step. Keep the site open in one window and the Whois database search results open in another window.

Taking a close look - Exactly what to look at if you plan to:

1. Join and or start an affiliate program.
2. Purchase a site.
3. Purchase goods and or services.
4. Purchase virtual or dedicated hosting.
5. Create a business that generates a profit in a moral and ethical manner.
6. Seeking advice from others. Paid or free.
7. Hire an employee.
8. Hire an independent contractor.

Key: Yes is good. A no answer is a red flag.

1. Does all the information correspond with the site?
2. If any of the information is "obviscated" you have a red flag. For example, a phone number which reads 123-456-7891. An address or name, which reads xxx and or the use of slang or profanity.
3. Does the Company name match what the site says or what the owner posted?
4. Does the email address look real? For example, " is a red flag.
5. In some situations, you should call the phone number. Does it work? Is it the same company?
6. Carefully study the email addresses. They often lead to other sites owned by the same party.
7. Carefully study the DNS information. Focus on those IP numbers first. What we need to know is exactly who owns the IP numbers which Arin will provide. This is a critical piece of information. Use Arin to see who owns the IP. Use Whois to see the data for the domains, which are serving DNS. Does this information match what the site says?

Approximately 50% of the hucksters and scam artists never make it past Steps 1 and 2. Sometimes site owners don't realize the implications of this data and how you can use it to make informed decisions.


1. Ask your Registrar to "lock" your Whois records. This ads an extra measure of protection, which prevents folks from hijacking/stealing, your domain name.
2. Make sure your Whois records reflect your current data.
3. Don't use a free email provider for your records. If you loose control of that email address because they closed shop, you have serious problems.

Read Due Diligence - Step 3 - Business Name - Traffic

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